the Future of Manufacturing

Our state-of-the-art manufacturing facility stands at the forefront of innovation and precision.


  • State-of-the-Art Research and Manufacturing Facility at Nova Southeastern University Center for Collaborative Research.
  • Specialized equipment for large scale and exosome production.
  • All biologic processing is performed at an FDA-Registered, ISO7, CGMP, & FDA compliant facility.
  • Rigorous quality management system.
  • Processing and handling are completed within an ISO 7-grade clean room and all containers are handled within an ISO 5-grade biosafety cabinet.
  • cGMP compliant, aseptic processing and batch record documentation is maintained for each individual product.

The ZEO ScientifiX Difference

  • Next generation of biological medicine for consistent patient outcomes.
  • Lab Facility at the Nova Southeastern University, Center for Collaborative Research.
  • Registered with the FDA as a Human Cell and Tissue Establishment.
  • All product manufacturing in the is performed in a designated clean room space qualified to maintain air quality of ISO-Class 7 with cGMP standards to control potency and purity of products.
  • Compliant with Title 21 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 1271 
issued by the FDA’s Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research.
  • Specializing in perinatal tissue-derived products focused on regulatory compliance and data to support the efficacy and safety of our products.